Thursday, November 24, 2011

My Thoughts on Red Lipstick

Red Lipstick...the ever so controversial red lipstick. Back in the olden days of Hollywood, red lips were the finishing touch to complete a chic, classic look. Nowadays it seems as though everyone is opinionated on sporting this bold lip color. Although this is just a collection of my thoughts, I believe that any lady can rock the red lipstick, wherever she is!

If you are interested in trying red lipstick, but are afraid to step up to the plate (fully), I suggest going for a softer shade of red. Although some lipstick brands may be deceiving, you can usually tell what the color will look like from the tube. Even if a soft red lippie still scares you, simply dab the lipstick on the center of your lips and blend it to your entire lips (or use a lip brush if you have one). Trying a lip color other than pinks and nudes is a progressive step in your makeup experience, so you shouldn't be scared to try new things!

Looking for the wow effect to really make a statement, than go with the classic red lipstick! Adorned by actresses for decades, the red lips are sure to bring out your inner shine. Although the classic is a beauty, you have to be cautious of where you wear it. I suggest that dinners or special events are the best case scenarios to frock the va-va-voom red lips (lol), you may want to wear the softer red at a work environment or shopping.

Last but not least, I can't forget to mention the dark berry colored red lipstick. If you're willing to go the extra step, then pat yourself on the back! lol Showcasing dark red lips are sure to give you a vampy look, but I also prefer to wear berry-colored lipstick during the colder months of the year. Depending on where you work, you can get away with berry lips, and you can also wear it during special events. But since I associate a dark red with the holidays, it is usually my go-to color during the wintertime.

My purpose of writing this particular blog is to inspire all ladies out there that red lips do work for you. If you have truly said before that it just doesn't work for you, then take a step back. Remember: never say never! You just need to find the perfect shade of red that will work for you and that you are confident in. Confidence is beauty! (These are just my opinions and I hope you view red lipstick in a better way. P.S Happy Thanksgiving! What are you thankful for? Leave it in the comments.)


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