Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Nine West Wowza Sandals

So this weekend, I went shoe shopping at Macy's and bought these super fun Wowza sandals (also available in gold) from Nine West. They look so good on my feet that the $79 price tag didn't really faze me. But it sure stung later that day when I saw my new shoes on ninewest.com - for $32 cheaper!

Now, if it was only a $5, $10, or $15 difference, I might have just cursed my bad luck and got on with my life. But $32 is a different story. So I went back to Macy's, returned the sandals and then bought them online when I returned home. I even managed to find a free shipping coupon code, so I made out like a bandit.

Only down side is that I have to wait about a week to wear my cute new kicks.


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