Monday, October 31, 2011

Makeup Mondays With Mario: Defined Eye Crease

Celebrity makeup artist Mario Dedivanovic is answering your burning beauty questions!!! Every Monday, he will answer a beauty/skin care question as part of a weekly column on Spoiled Pretty, Makeup Mondays with Mario.

Hi Mario,

You are a huge inspiration to me you truly inspire me to try new and different unique things as a make up artist. There is just one thing I find tricky to achieve when I do make up. What's a easy way for a really defined eye crease? I find it very challenging to create this look and I always end up with two different shapes on each eye! What's the trick?

Thank you so much!


Hi Janet,

Thank you and Happy Halloween! :-). When going for a defined crease, using a typical dome shaped blending brush will not do the trick. Instead, try using a pencil along the crease. Use a small eye shadow brush or Q-tip to softly blend the line from side to side. If you want to define it more, try drawing a very thin line along the crease using a liquid liner. A thin eyeliner brush and eyeshadow also works well.

Thanks for visiting Makeup Mondays with Mario!


Got a question for Mario? Email your makeup and skin care queries to, and check back next Monday to read Mario's expert advice!


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