Monday, November 15, 2010

Rare Fashion: Paprika Range

Hi All!!

In case you hadn't noticed the guys over at Rare Fashion have recently launched a new brand on their website which is called....... Paprika! If you haven't had chance to view the range then please don't hesitate to have a look!! It really is a lovely range with a little bit of everything to suit the usual Rare fans!

It describes itself as:

"A breath of fresh air fashion showcasing it's Autumn/Winter styles for 16-26 year olds. The younger clothing range offers cool catwalk trends, dresses, jackets, tops and skirts"

I do agree, some items do seem for the younger generation - I seem to say this as though I am older then 26 years old, in fact I am 24 but not far from it. I can imagine younger girls wearing this range but I also feel that there are other items that the ladies my age and above 26 would wear also. Although a small range to start it does have a little bit of everything providing items for daytime wear as well as for the night.

Here are a few items that caught my eye....

Also please be aware that some items currently included in the 20% off promotion, so if you see something you like take advantage now!!!

What are your thoughts of this range?



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