Monday, November 8, 2010

PayPal Competition: What would you do with £40,000?

Hi All!

If you sit down and actually think about it, what would you do if you won £40,000? I am honestly trying to answer the question myself, it's not as simple as I first expected it to be. I think anyone who knows me personally, knows I would more then likely go on a huge shopping spree. I'm talking about a day trip to a big city such as London, Manchester or Liverpool and shop until I drop. No limits no questioning 'can I really afford this?' just purchase what I wish and it will be mine with no regrets. I would also clear out my debit, as a English Graduate I'm not going to lie, I have been left with a fair bit but this prize money would definitely help me pay if off in one go. What a weight that would be lifted off any student's shoulders right? And what about buying your first car? Or putting down a deposit on your first house? A dream holiday? I could just keep reeling off a whole list of what I could do with this money. Even I want to Win- don't you?!!!

So I have been enlightened by a great opportunity for all you Shop'a'holic Fashionista's out there. If you want to be in with the chance of winning a years worth of salary - £40,000 to be exact - then please read on to see just how it can be done. Trust me it's pretty simple.

If you are a big Internet shopper like me and own a PayPal account then all you have to do is purchase a product using your PayPal account as the option for payment and you will be entered into a prize draw that gives the chance to win this wicked prize money. The best part about this competition is the more times you purchase products using your PayPal account, the more times you will be entered into the prize draw and ultimately have a greater opportunity of winning! If you want more information on this competition then all you have to do is go here: Find out more


You could even stop buy any of these following sites and buy some lovelies to be in with a chance of winning by paying with PayPal:

1. A range of brands all on one site

2. Stylish stuff for the fellas

3. Bags & Heels

4. Jeans

5. Fabulous coats


Ok ladies & gents what are you waiting for? Enter now for your chance to win Good Luck!!!


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