Monday, August 15, 2011

Makeup Mondays With Mario: Make Brown Eyes Pop!

Celebrity makeup artist Mario Dedivanovic is answering your burning beauty questions!!! Every Monday, he will answer a beauty/skin care question as part of a weekly column on Spoiled Pretty, Makeup Mondays with Mario.

Hi Mario,

Like most people in the world I have brown eyes. Blue and green eyes pop so effortlessly with minimal makeup. What are your tips and tricks for making the common brown eyes pop and rival any bright blue eyes?



To make brown eyes pop, I prefer using bronze and copper eyeshadows to give a smoky eye, both on the lids and along the lower lash line. Try a metallic bronze or golden pencil in the inner rims or a shadow with a clean brush will do the trick. This will help lighten and bring out the gold tones in your eyes. 

Throw some Visine, a great lash curler and mascara into the mix and those blue eyed girls won't have nothin' on you!

Thanks for visiting Makeup Mondays with Mario!


Got a question for Mario? Email your makeup and skin care queries to, and check back next Monday to read Mario's expert advice!


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