I always thought Marc Jacobs Daisy smelled great in the bottle, but not so hot on me. I'm much more of a Lola gal, myself. So, today, while perusing Sephora.com, I noticed a new version of Daisy - called Daisy In The Air - and thought I'd check it out.
But after doing some research, I found that Daisy In The Air isn't a new version of Daisy at all. It's actually the original Daisy fragrance in a limited-edition bottle, adorned with light blue flowers. It comes with "a scented daisy chain to hang in your room for a touch of inspiring scent and playful visual appeal."
It's not clear at all, on Sephora.com, that this "new" Daisy isn't a re-imagination of the original scent. So I just wanted to warn Daisy owners not to be fooled into purchasing a bottle of Daisy In The Air - that is, unless your bottle is almost empty and you need to replenish anyway.
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