Monday, February 8, 2010

January 2010 Haul!

Hi All!!

So I thought i'd show you what awesome things I bought in January on a mega tight buget! Trust me these were some brill bargains!

Now for those who don't know I go to a charity warehouse called New Life in Cannock where I can get some fab items for really cheap! So to start heres what I bought from there and check out the prices......

River Island Bodycon Skirt


River Island Jumper

River Island Dress
(Mine is actually at the fella's atm)

I've also taken a trip to House of Fraser and found some more lush bargains in their sale...

Miss Selfridge Dress

Bay Trading Jumpsuit

Bay Trading Dress

Bay Trading Skinny Jeans

YES!!! You read that right, those items really were £1 each... Bay Trading currently has a £1 rail at House of Fraser in Wolverhampton and I couldn't just pass it by!! I was very lucky to find these items and to be honest alot of the things that were on that rail were hit or miss really!

So here are just some of my buys from January 2010... watch out for my next post about Site of the Month (gosh I haven't done one of those posts for ages!) and my brill swaps from there ;)

PS! Enter my 200+ Followers competition... just click here to find out the details ♥


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