I was given the fantastic opportunity to be gifted with some tickets from Just Dance 2 to go to the Clothes Show Live this year. I really appreciated this a jumped on the chance of being able to attend. I was not planning on going to the event this year but was delightful to be given the chance.
What was interesting too is that this year the dance show was running along side it. This part of the event was directed towards dancers and people interested in the arts which was a different take on the show. It was however very fitting with the fact that the fashion show they present to the fashion goers as they always have dancers aswell as models perform on the catwalk.
The fashion show was brilliant this year and none other then Gok Wan presented.....
After the show instead of getting straight to the shopping we went over the the Dance section as it was new to me. I have been to the show around five times previously so I knew exactly what to expect. But over in the the dance area the new game 'Just dance 2' was being promoted and was available for people to test out. I have played the first game and reaaly enjoyed it but have not tried out the second. I didn't however have a go but saw a few people trying it out and it looked like fun...
There were groups performing, unforunately I can't remember this girl groups name but they did a great job....
When we did get a chance to do some shopping I bought the fella a vintage sheep skin jacket for xmas - which he begged me to buy for him! Yes he came with me!! And I got myself some boot hugs but not for the purpose they are meant for....
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