WHO: Arcadia Boutique and Touch of Blush join artists Mallory Lawson and Dennis Coyle to pay homage to the modern pinup.
WHAT: Embrace your inner Betty Grable, Marilyn Monroe or Lena Horne at Arcadia Boutique's Pinup Lash & Lip Party and Art Show. Beauty Expert Kate Cipriano and her Touch of Blush team will make guests up Bettie Paige-style with luscious lashes and lips for the special price of $25 at the event only! Touch of Blush will also offer semi permanent two-week lash extensions and launch their new beauty consulting services.
While you're there, be sure to check out new works from Mallory Lawson and Dennis Coyle's Good Vibrations collage exhibit and enjoy retro-inspired food and drink. Arcadia Boutique will be offering 15% off storewide during the event!
WHEN: June 4, 2010 - 6-9:00PM
WHERE: Arcadia Boutique
819 N. 2nd Street
Philadelphia, PA 19123
WHY: The modern pinup represents hope, beauty, and sex appeal in a fresh, new way. She is an unapologetic, independent woman who is passionate about going after what she wants. While long, sultry lashes coupled with vibrant, red lips are the essence of pinup glamour, Touch of Blush specializes in unleashing the inner beauty of modern women of all styles and personalities. Arcadia Boutique offers unique, eco-chic clothing for the "everyday pinups" who seek comfort while still maintaining their sense of style and feminine sex appeal. Finally, the Good Vibrations exhibit captures the tensions between the old and the new by incorporating images of sultry, vintage pinups with elements of recent history.
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