You will find a new rule, than men should follow when dating women. In the same way, women also have some general rule that where they also have to compete with men when they're doing dating. Do not take things too seriously here. There has been some controversy over some literature published in the United States which describes in detail the rules a woman should follow to get her dream man. Ellen Fein and Sherrie Schneider's 1995 bestseller "The Rules," explains how women should play hard if they want to get their ideal man. I can understand why some groups would be hostile about it, but the reality is that when we were growing up, there is a set of predefined rules about whose name a date.
I hope also there is no general rule about dating, because dating is a ritual. There are things that we can make it happen, and it's very exciting, very stimulating, create interest but also sometimes confusing. Dating is long test compatibility against someone who wants us to take seriously. Are we very suitable, suitable and did not even fit? If we just threw ourselves together, then the possibility of long-term happiness may be compromised. But the previous generation and success in courtship criteria list is much more complex. Many arranged marriages work too interesting.
In society there are already established a social rules we follow, from the way the meal and the way we behave in public. Statement here is that when women today, there are some things that can help them become more successful. If we understand that dating is a game, then there are rules just like we played marbles. You can change the rules appropriate to the situation to keep people guessing. Men love a challenge, so feel free to adjust the rules and add them but as you will feel inclined.
You can break the rules into two parts, general dating and dating online.part two regions have different rules that a woman should follow for dating success.
General Dating Rules

- Always look great, whatever your income. Gorgeous hair and some lipstick with a cloth will still turn his head. You have an advantage. You are a woman like that. See the best in you; you can meet with potential Mr. Right anywhere at anytime.
- Do not reveal information you do not need to express. A woman driving a mysterious wild man. But the man you're interested. Less is always more.
Try and stay in your body shape and involve some fitness regime at the gym. You will love your body as much as you love your own mind.
- Let the man who pays you while eating dinner. If he's interested, he was quite interested to make sure you eat well and come home safely in taxis.
Make sure you receive interest from these men.
Do not ever sleep with a man, before he had fallen in love with you. If the beginning there has been sex in your dating game plan, it will destroy everything.
- Always keep a guy waiting and never change. It is the prerogative of a woman.
- Never be available when he wants you to be like he wanted. Ever been on the phone when a call from him and always let him leave a message or two first before answering.
If he is available Tuesday, you Thursday available.
- Weekend shopping with girlfriends are sacred and not available to date.
Keeps your man standing on quicksand by shifting landmarks and goalposts constantly?
- Make sure you are a good kisser. Men will walk away if you can not smell. Before leaving for a date, you can practice in the mirror.
- Do not ever talk about previous boyfriends, especially their skills in the bedroom. Your boyfriend is a former business associate only.
- Do not assume anything about your date until you choose to know him better. You can not always tell by looking.
- If there are people who show the slightest signs of possessiveness or insecurity, run like the wind. Life is too short for boys.
- Do not talk too much about your father and how you measure the date in comparison.
- Do not ever come with a sense of despair. He would walk a mile. He is a person who did pursue.
-If people in a charming corner, go get him and create a need in him for you. Do not wait for people to come to you because you may see him go with someone else.
- You may have all the functions of the human body, just trying to not show them from the beginning.
- If you want kids, no mention on the first date.
- Do not ever criticize his mother unless you want to remain single.
Online Dating Rules

- Always let them come to you; do not pursue them via email.
- Block anyone who bothers you directly.
- Post the best picture and best.
- Do not reply to instant messages with clever opening lines.
- Remain aloof and let yourself be chased.
- Always reply to emails at least 3 days of receipt.
- Never give your real email or telephone details.
- Always date safely and protect yourself at every opportunity.
- Make sure your login name is very charming and sexy, and mysterious.
- Do not login for hours on end. In short, a quick visit is best.
- Do not assume the person you talk is poor or sad.
- Never respond to emails on weekends. Wait until the working day.
- Do not state how good your sexual performance is in your profile.
- If you do not want to date a married man, do not write in your profile.
- A man who did not reply your email within 3 days should be ignored.
- Make sure your humor levels come across in the text.
- Do not chat with hundreds of people at once. The delay in answering is dead giveaway and your Mr. Right will be turned off.
- Shown as a cool and sophisticated for best results
- Ladies, always remember that you are a woman, sexy and desirable world is a gem. ---You.
- Always let a man chasing and always let yourself to be these voters.
- Always stay safe and never risk yourself for the sake of attending a date. Always use a themed website about safe dating.
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